The booklet ‘Change of first name(s) and gender marker according to the Self-Determination Act (SBGG)’ is now available in German.
It provides an overview of the change process and answers questions such as
Who can change first name(s) and gender marker?
What information do I have to provide when registering?
How can I prepare for the appointment at the registry office?
What can I do if the registry office refuses?
What do I have to consider after the change? What do the specific rules in the law mean for me?
Where can I go if I need support?

The brochure also provides a brief overview of the historical background of the law and of the options for changing gender marker and first names in Germany.
The article ‘Das Selbstbestimmungsgesetz zwischen Disziplinierung und Privatisierung’ by Luce deLire and Juliana Franke (Bündnis Selbstbestimmung Selbst Gemacht, takes a critical look at the Self-Determination Act.
Layout and illustration: Ezra Ezra Ællen Church (Instagram: @ezraellc,